Simple Tips to Shrink or Reduce PDF Size with Quality Loss

Why we need for loosing Quality during PDF shrink or PDF Reduce Size?

The Answer is, whenever we have files with more size and it can not be reduced in desired size through online or any other normal reduce process, then we have an option to Reduce PDF size with quality loss. In this case only one way remain with compromise with quality loss of pages.

Create Action From 'Action Wizard' of Acrobat:

In Acrobat Professional, just create batch process for it. For any process of batch process you have to create Action. And add required sub-action from "Create New Action" window. Creating action process steps is mention on Action Creation for modify PDF Property.

How to Reduce PDF Size of Large Size?

Acrobat "Output Options" Settings:

In this process there is no need to add any action for it. Just settings output files options.

Click on "Option" icon related with 'Save to:" combo box as described in bellow.

Optimize settings for reduce PDF size
Optimize settings

When pressing on 'Option' Icon, a screen will open named "Output Options".

Find "PDF Optimizer" check box from this window.

Then check on this check box, a button will enable this button called "Settings..". Click on "Settings.." button.

This activity present "PDF Optimizer" frame will open.

Compression without Quality Loss of PDF simply

PDF Optimizer Settings:

Now, come to "PDF Optimizer" frame and change that setting which is indicated in red rectangle as shown in above image.

But the matter is which type of setting we can apply for reduce size.
Optimize Settings for reduce PDF size
Change Optimize Settings

You can see that the red marking of indication for "Image Setting", there are 3 types of settings.

Type of Image Settings:
(1). Color Images: (Select quality from 'Medium' to 'Low')
(2). Grayscale Images: (Select quality from 'Medium' to 'Low' )
(3). Monochrome Images: (Select ppi from 300 to 200. And compression from 'CCITT Group 4' to 'JBIG2' with 'Lossless' quality.)

When you complete these settings, press "OK" button.

After that an Input box will be open named "Create PDF Optimizer Settings". Put your setting name like: "SKO" as mention in upper side image. and press "OK" button.

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Path Selection and Save Action Process in Acrobat:

Now, come to Source and Destination path and save action with name. So, proceed for further image.

Path and save action for reduce PDF size
Select Path and Save Action

You can easily understand through given number instruction in image.

After completing path selection process, click on "Save" button.

"Save Action" screen will open. Type action name like: "Reduce PDF Size". And press "Save" button.

Acrobat Action Execution Process:

After saving action. Come to "Edit Action" option.

Run action for reduce PDF size
Run or Execute Action

It display "Edit Actions" window, go to created action name like: 'Reduce_PDF_Size' and select it. Then press "Run" button.

Note: "Edit Action" window contains all created or predefined action name.

Now pressing "Run" button will present an another frame for process perform with name "Action Reduce_PDF_Size".

In this frame press "Next" button. a 'Progress Bar' process frame will present to perform action for reduce size.

Remove or Clear Header Footer from PDF pages

Output and Comparison of Files:

Take a look the difference of normal file size and after performing "Reduce_PDF_Size" action's file size. Lets see the differences through further picture.

output of Reduce PDF Size
Output files with Size differences

Now the previous file's size is more than 1 MB. But after performing created action process on these files, It reduced size approx 80% .

So, apply these steps and see the result of PDF Compression or Reduce PDF size with quality Loss in SKOTechLearn Tips.

Easily Adding Pages Header and Footer to PDF