Dynamically Add Items in CheckBoxList in ASP.Net

CheckBoxList is that control where you can add more than one Checkbox in list style. So SKOTechLearn will present the easiest way with images, properties and code to Dynamically Add Items in CheckBoxList in ASP.Net?

Why we need CheckBoxList in ASP.Net?

Suppose, we add some CheckBox control and we want to add selected CheckBox value in other controls. Then we have to write code in every Check box control’s “CheckedChanged” event. But this control provide the easiest way to change properties in ASP.Net and add CheckBox Items according to requirement.

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But in CheckBoxList control, you can add more than one CheckBox by adding Members. And there is no need to write code in every added Member's event. You can just put your code inside “SelectedIndexChanged” event at once.

There is following image example of this control which is better for understand.

CheckBoxList example in ASP

Now, we will understand to this process through following steps:

  1. Add Items in CheckBoxList in ASP.Net
  2. Show CheckBoxList selected Items in ASP.Net

(1) Add Items in CheckBoxList in ASP.Net:

If you want to add this control to your Webform.

➤ First, you have to find this control on ToolBox.

➤ After that drag this control from ToolBox to your WebForm.

➤ Click on “CheckBoxList Tasks” button from this control.

This Task button contain 3 options such as “Choose Data Source..”, “Edit Items…” and “Enable AutoPostBack” checkbox.

Note: It is compulsory to tick on “Enable AutoPostBack” ckeckbox. Because if you not tick on it, this control will not work properly for any events. So, please tick on it.

For adding items in this control there are 2 process:

Add Items through Properties:
For this process just proceed step by step instruction given bellow:

choose option “Edit Items…” from Task list and click on it.

➤ It will present “ListItem Collection Editor” screen. In this screen left side contain “Member:” list and right side contain “Properties:” box which shows every Member’s properties.

➤ Now, Click on “Add” button, this will add Items in “Member:” List.

➤ Then change every member’s text value from “Properties:” box. After that press on “OK” button.

Now your Members (List items) related CheckBox ready for further process.

Design Add items in Bullet List in ASP.Net

How to Add CheckBoxList Control in Webform?

There is following image describe step by step procedure:
CheckBoxList Settings in ASP.Net
CheckBoxList Settings

Add Items through Code:
Suppose, you don’t want to use Properties setting for adding Members (List Items) then you can add it through code by this control’s WebForm1_Init () event.  Now write code as shown bellow:

VB.Net Code:
Private Sub WebForm1_Init(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Me.Init
 With CheckBoxList1
   End With
End Sub

(2) Show CheckBoxList Selected Item in ASP.Net:

For selected Checked items show process, you have to write code. Suppose, we drag a “TextBox” and change its “TextMode” Poperty with “MultiLine”.

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 Now, Right click on CheckBoxList1 and click on “View Code” option.

➤ This will redirect to code window with CheckBoxList1_SelectedIndexChanged() event .

After this process, write code inside on it as describe bellow.
TextBox Mode and Code Process in ASP
TextBox Mode and Code Process
If we want to show selected Text value in TextBox1 then we can write code through 2 way.

Show CheckBoxList Selected Value in TextBox in Asp.Net

VB.Net Code1:
Private Sub CheckBoxList1_SelectedIndexChanged(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles CheckBoxList1.SelectedIndexChanged
        With TextBox1
            .Text = ""
            For Each lstitm As ListItem In CheckBoxList1.Items
                If (lstitm.Selected = True) Then
                    If .Text = "" Then
                        .Text = lstitm.Text
                        .Text = .Text & vbCrLf & lstitm.Text
                    End If
                End If
        End With
    End Sub
VB.Net Code2:
Private Sub CheckBoxList1_SelectedIndexChanged(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles CheckBoxList1.SelectedIndexChanged
        With TextBox1
            .Text = ""
            Dim itmcnt, ik As Integer
            itmcnt = 0
            itmcnt = CheckBoxList1.Items.Count
            ik = 0
            While Not ik = itmcnt
                If (CheckBoxList1.Items.Item(ik).Selected = True) Then
                    If .Text = "" Then
                        .Text = CheckBoxList1.Items.Item(ik).Text
                        .Text = .Text & vbCrLf & CheckBoxList1.Items.Item(ik).Text
                    End If
                End If
                ik = ik + 1
            End While
        End With
    End Sub
After writing anyone of these code, when you run web application. It will show process such as given bellow:
CheckBoxList Output in ASP
Now, Friends, just do yourself and learn how to easily add items in CheckBoxList in ASP.Net dynamically with SKOTechLearn.

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