Add Column Header in JTable and Grid Line Settings in jTable in Java

When you design you java project and want to show list of data in rows and columns format, you require a table or list, but List only contain one column with multiple rows and table contains multiple columns with multiple rows. You can find complete details of jTable class.

So Friends, here SKOTechLearn will discuss about jTable in Java with details description of Add Column Header in JTable in Java with jTable Grid setting in java NetBeans.

Change jTable's Column Header, Rows, Cell, Selection Color With Simple Steps

Suppose, you want to display some records which contains some Column. Then we have to drag jTable or write code for Adding Column Header in Java with Grid Settigns.

Here we proceed with following way:

  1. Add Column Header in jTable in Java Code
  2. Add Column Header in jTable in Netbeans through Properties
  3. jTable Grid Line Setting in java code
  4. jTable Grid line Setting in java Netbeans through Properties

So, let’s start with point to point.

(1). Add Column Header in jTable in Java Code :

For Column Header in JTable, you have to import some class as describe bellow:
 import javax.swing.JFrame;
 import javax.swing.JScrollPane;
 import javax.swing.JTable;
 import javax.swing.table.DefaultTableModel;

After that simply write following code:
 import javax.swing.JFrame;
 import javax.swing.JScrollPane;
 import javax.swing.JTable;
 import javax.swing.table.DefaultTableModel;

 public class MyTableClass {

   public static void main(String[] args) {
    // TableModel is use for showing rows and columns
    DefaultTableModel MyTablemodel = new DefaultTableModel();
    //Create New Table
    JTable MyTableView = new JTable(MyTablemodel);
    // Add jTable in jScollPane for Showing Column Header
    JScrollPane MyScrollPane= new JScrollPane(MyTableView);
    //Add Column Name 
    //Add jFrame for showing Table inside frame
    JFrame MyTblFrame = new JFrame();
    MyTblFrame.setTitle("jTable Column Header Frame");
    //Set jFrame Size
    MyTblFrame.setSize(410, 320);

Note : If you want to add rows and columns, DefaultTableModel will provide facility to do this.

When you execute this code this will show the following result:
jTable Column Header in Java

 (2). Add Column Header in jTable in NetBeans through Properties :

If you are using NetBeans for Java, First drag jTable in jFrame after that simply follow the following steps.

 Right Click on jTable control and find “Table Contents…” option.

 Click on “Table Contents…” option. “Customizer Dialog” will be displayed.

 “Customizer Dialog” contains three tabs (Table Model, Columns, Rows ).

 For headers, you have to choose “Columns” tab.

 In “Columns” tab, you will find a table containing “Title, type, Resizable, Editable”. This is use for Column header settings.

 Choose “Columns” tab which is also contain some buttons(Insert, Delete, Move Up, Move Down).

 ‘Insert’ button is used to add Columns, ‘Delete’ is used for delete Columns, ‘Move Up’ and ‘Move Down’ button is used for move column left or right in jTable according to your requirement.

 Select ‘Title’ Column from table and go to “Title” box and write your column Name.

 After that simply close “Customizer Dialog”.

jTable Column Header Settings in Netbeans
Column Header Settings in NetBeans

When all settings will be done, your table will looks like bellow.
jTable Column Header Setting output in Netbeans

 (3). jTable Grid Line Setting in java code :

If you want to change Grid Line color of jTable, first you have to add some rows and then you can write following code which is very simple and one line code.

Grid Color Setting Code:

Now check it with following code:
public static void main(String[] args) {
    DefaultTableModel MyTablemodel = new DefaultTableModel();
    JTable MyTableView = new JTable(MyTablemodel);
    //jTable grid Line Settings
    JScrollPane MyScrollPane= new JScrollPane(MyTableView);
    // add some rows
    MyTablemodel.addRow(new Object[]{"Col1Row1_0000", "Col2Row1_ABCD", "Col3Row1_XXX0124556"});
    MyTablemodel.addRow(new Object[]{"Col1Row1_0001", "Col2Row1_EFGH", "Col3Row1_XXX01253344"});
    JFrame MyTblFrame = new JFrame();
    MyTblFrame.setTitle("jTable Column Header Frame");
    MyTblFrame.setSize(410, 250);

This will display output in given following figure:
jTable Gird Color Change in Java

 (4). jTable Grid Line Setting in java Netbeans through Properties :

If you are using NetBeans for creating Swing project, you will find that jTable has no GridLines. First you have to add Gridlines then you can change Grid color according to your requirement.

Or you can simple choose Grid Color from “Properties” window like bellow:
jTable Grid Color Properties in Netbeans

So, In this post you can see, how amazing is to work in java and NetBeans framework. You can simply Add Column Header in JTable and Grid Line Setting in jTable in Java which is detailed explained by SKOTechLearn.